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-------   February  1st  2009   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             Saxton  News  AUSTRALIA .


A small planet called Zoltra has been hit by a large comet. Deadly gasses were released by the comet as it hit, destroying all forms of life.  We have since learnt that over 3 Million years ago a Decree between Planet Zoltra and Planet Earth was written.

Declaring that Earth was to help save the Zoltron species if a disaster were to happen and their species was at risk of extinction, which is unbelievably unfolding right before our eyes at the present time.
























Miraculously at 2am yesterday morning 3 Zoltron baby girls, 2 baby boy beings and the Queen of Zoltra were delivered here to Earth protected by Axelia their Guardian Dragon. Thankfully their Fertility Bug Goddess was able to sense the comet's fury just hours before it hit, though unable to save the planet, her special 'high powers' delivered as it was written, but sadly this meant 'Lopian' had to die, but it is said that she will breathe life again when her mission is complete, when all baby beings are adopted by Earthlings and the Zoltron Species is no longer at risk of extinction. With this, in time a small part of earth will begin to break away, and their species can continue on and become an independent Planet once again. 

















Hit by a deadly comet



If the Planet Zoltra is attacked or deemed to be at risk of becoming extinct, 2 baby boys and 3 baby girl beings along with the Queen of Zoltra must be safely delivered to the Planet Earth by the Fertility Bug Goddess 'Lopian'  Who will then die.  Lopian will breathe life once again when the Zoltron Spesies is no longer at risk of extinction. The special Powers will also return to the 'Fertilicty Bug Goddess' as the Zoltron generations continue on.  Earth is the chosen one for the continuation of the Zoltron species as Earthlings and Zoltrons share similar internal organs, they both breathe air and their physical appearances are alike.

                     Zintaff, Boltock, Silbuck.

The Fertility Bug Goddess



'Lopian' is now in our protective care, safe in her case at rest until

such time she breathes life once again.


protecting the Zoltron baby beings.


Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News


Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News

Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News


Tragically last night the Queen Zarzette suddenly became very ill, this was a big concern as she was pregnant, the staff at Axelia hospital worked tirelessly through to the night, all efforts were made to save the the Queen and her unborn Being, but sadly her life slipped away in the early hours of  this morning ... The medical team worked fast to deliver the unborn being, they feared the worst but incredibly the tiny Princess  began breathing on her own within minutes of birth.  Dr. Lexia explains "This has been the most incredible life changing event to be a part of, we are deeply saddened by the lost of the Queen. We discovered a small piece of comit rock deeply lodged in her back, this is what caused her death. But thankfully we were able to save her unborn being, this little Princess is a tiny little one, but strong and a real fighter, she is being closely monitored, she has been named Zarzetta." 

Once released from the hospital, Princess Zarzetta will need special parents to adopt and care for her.

Princess Zarzetta

Queen Zarzette



Exclusive photos 

Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News



Scientists at the  UPS  (Unknown Planet Science) Lab  and  the COF (Clinic of Science ) are  carefully monitoring and studying this

incredible piece of nature and turn of events that have occurred in the last 48 hours.

The Rock is securely contained as it's continuing to release it's deadly gases when approached or moved.

It will remain at the UPS Lab for 12 months for further tests and studies to take place.

Professor Henry Dunington explains "This live piece of rock is an extraordinary advanced specimen unlike anything we have encountered or studied before, it somewhat appears to acquire an unusual form of intelligence, it's really quite out of this world. 

We are all simply astonished by it's presence and  where it came from. There is a large black hole of mystery we know very little about, so this shall go down in history, we have stumbled across a unique form of life never experienced on Earth before ."

The piece of comit rock that was removed from the Queen

is miraculously still ALIVE !

Exclusive photos 

Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News


In the short time Queen Zarzette was with us, she was able to teach us some of their culture and help us understand their species.  She brought with her books and wrote a letter explaining how they came to be in contact with Planet Earth over 3 million years ago and how to take care of these amazing baby beings. 

A copy of this letter will be given to all the adoptive parents and guardians.

Queen Zarzette also shared some stories of her world and we were able to learn a bit about their beautiful planet.
Zoltra only had a population of about 20 milion Zotrons, it was a very rich, lush planet with the purest of running streams, there was surplus rich land and forests surrounding their Zoots (cities) and the oceans seprarating their Bottaries (Countries) were clean and fresh, the machinery and transport were incredibly all pollutant free, keeping their air pure, all Zoltrons were equal, no richer or poorer, all self sufficient and all equally wealthy, the simplicity and beauty of their planet should be learnt by all, and hopefully some day we will adopt some of the brilliance shared by the Zoltron species.

Queen Zarzette

The Beautiful Portrait of

These gorgeous outfits were hand made by a dear lady and friend,

         Judith ... If you would like to see her work or contact her     

                                               Please 'CLICK' the Bird

Exclusive photos 

Photographer SELENA SAXTON

Saxton News

Princess Zarzetta



Never seen before pictures of our newly welcomed Zoltron Baby Beings.

They are all been named  and  doing very well so far . . .  soon to be released from hospital and awaiting special parents to adopt them.

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